Why I Own A Gelert Solo + My New Footprint Design
If you have read my last wild camp (here) you will know that two of my mates took Gelert Solo's, the conditions were terrible - strong winds/hail/heavy snow, but both tents stood up to the challenge. For £30 you are protected from the elements. That's all I need (especially since I don't have enough money to waste on a fancier tent). Which is why I am the owner of a Gelert Solo.
There are a few downsides to this bargain tent, the main one being space, which is why I made a footprint (to the right). It's basically the shape of the inner, only larger, with an elongated area left at the entrance, this serves a few purposes. When it's dry, I am are able to sit on it; to cook, take my boots off and do anything else that I am unable to do once in the small bivvy like tent, the eyelets allow the sheet to be pegged down in slightly windy scenarios.